I come from a family of Italian origin, both on my paternal and maternal sides; although through my paternal line, I also have a wandering Spanish part that also constitutes me. My grandparents, who emigrated to Argentina at the beginning of the 20th century, founded their family there, in an intercultural mosaic. That is certainly an identity part of Argentinian culture: a young country made largely of a mixture of native peoples, immigrants from various lands, cultures and idiosyncrasies, as well as struggles, oppressions, great deeds and many noble principles.

Part of that same family mosaic was also formed with friends and affective binds that were deepening with very dear people in the USA, Italy, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Spain and other close places where I feel that I have a particular emotional bond , for those dear people who formed and are part of my life. Many of them have lovingly adopted me and accommodated me not only in their homes, but also in their cultures, languages and hearts.

Having been exposed to the emotional closeness of my Italian grandparents, with whom I shared the stories from the other side of the Atlantic, aroused a special curiosity about their lives and migrations, as well as their languages, their dialects and their existential pains. This was the reason for my particular curiosity about other cultures and other languages, as well as the choice of "Psychology", as an effort to unravel the unconscious meaning of representations of the human mind and the meaning of its products. Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic training offered me that possibility, with the exciting task of entering with each one of my patients in a unique universe, of discovery and the possibility of contributing to alleviate their ailments through psychotherapeutic work.

Early on, I dedicated myself to teaching music, thanks to the encouragement of my family, who allowed me to discover that other language, which I developed particularly on keyboards. In the same way, poetry and literature found a particular delight in me, through which I was also able to learn other idiosyncrasies. I was able to develop my taste for teaching later at the University of Buenos Aires, which I joined as a regular teacher shortly after completing my degree studies, and where today I am a Professor and Researcher.

My own children, as well as the psychotherapeutic and educational work with children and young people also enriched me infinitely as a person, which contributed to my understanding of that original vocation of my interest about human nature, about the mosaic of identifications and unfathomable paths that constitute us as subjects.

With each patient, with each analysand a new exciting challenge of discovery and advancement is presented to me, on a shared path for the possible liberation –in addition to the analysis work- from their sufferings.

Jorge Catelli profile